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"This life for me is an 'Art of Realization'. This has come through the process of Sadhana, Seva, and Sankirtan. This process taught me how to 'experience the experience'. It's an endeavor to sail in the Rhythm of Life - the bliss of the Divine."  - Avdhut

A journey of a Yogi & Mystic.

Avdhut, a luminary with a journey spanning over more than four decades, has carved a remarkable path through the intricate realms of science, spirituality, and mysticism. His odyssey is a testament to the convergence of seemingly divergent domains, showcasing the profound interconnectedness of human knowledge and experience.

In the year 1980 Avdhut became Sreeguru or Sadhguru. His father Avdhoot Atmananda was his Guru. 22nd February 1980 he completed the all Shakti sadhana of 18 form of Devi. The Saptadashi and Astadashi Sadhna also he has completed in a same day. The very next day he completed Sadhna upto 8th Dimension. The 8th dimension sadhana is the Durga Sadhana.

During this time he went to Jnanganj with his father, and that was a meeting with many stallward sadhaks and rishis.

In the realm of science, Avdhut's exploration has been marked by curiosity and an unquenchable thirst for understanding the intricacies of the universe. His dedication to scientific inquiry has led to significant contributions and innovative insights, unraveling the mysteries of the cosmos and the natural world.

Parallel to his scientific pursuits, Avdhut has delved into the world of spirituality, embarking on a profound inner journey. Through practices like meditation, yoga, and deep contemplation, he has sought to fathom the depths of consciousness and the spiritual dimensions of existence. This inner quest has not only enriched his personal understanding but has also touched the lives of many seekers, inspiring them on their own spiritual journeys.

Mysticism, with its esoteric and enigmatic aspects, has been another facet of Avdhut's remarkable expedition. His exploration of the mystical realms has been characterized by a deep reverence for the unexplained and a keen sense of wonder. Through mysticism, he has transcended the limitations of conventional knowledge, embracing the ineffable and embracing the mystical experiences that are often beyond words.

Avdhut's journey, which intertwines science, spirituality, and mysticism, is a testament to the infinite possibilities of the human mind and spirit. It exemplifies the profound connection between the rational and the transcendent, offering a holistic perspective on the intricate tapestry of existence.


Avdhut's four-decade odyssey is an enduring testament to the boundless potential of human exploration with his many enlightened sadhaks. This is the enduring quest for truth and enlightenment. 

Guru and Lineage

Avdhoot Atmananda

Avdhoot Atmananda may not be widely known, yet among his contemporaries in spiritual practice, he is known and respected. Those deeply immersed in the tradition also hold him in high regard, as he is regarded as a Gupta Yogi and Mystic. 

Avdhoot Atmananda

TANTRA                    MANTRA                   YANTRA



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Bearing a profound concern for the holistic well-being of humanity and blessed with remarkable clarity of insight, Avdhut offers a unique perspective on life and existence. 

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